RISE Mzansi National Leadership Collective

We need new leaders with experience, with values, and with a plan to forge a safe, prosperous, equal, and united South Africa in one generation.

RISE Mzansi has a team of new, capable, and caring leaders, representative of the diversity of our country, who work as a team to unite South Africans towards the realisation of happiness and dignity in our lives.

National Leadership Collective

Our National Leadership Collective is taken from a broad cross-section of South African society. Many of them are new to politics, but they all have strong experience in community-building, in business, in faith-based institutions, in the media and so much more. Meet them here.
See Members


Our candidates are community activists, respected leaders in the private sector, and political mobilisers. They have responded to the call to step up and accept that political power must be contested to build the South Africa we deserve. They are here to make a difference. Find out who they are here.
See Members