RISE Mzansi Contract with The People of South Africa
A New Beginning for South African Politics
One year ago, RISE Mzansi was launched as a new political party to reset politics in South Africa and introduce new leaders into the political landscape. Now, we are ready to serve. Download the RISE Mzansi People's Contract with South Africans below.
One year ago, RISE Mzansi was launched as a new political party to reset politics in South Africa and introduce new leaders into the political landscape. Now, we are ready to serve. Download the RISE Mzansi People's Contract with South Africans below.
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RISE Mzansi Commitment to Ethical, Inclusive, and Non-Racial Leadership in Gauteng

Gauteng is South Africa's most diverse province. Here, as nationally, divisive politics and increasing inequality have driven us apart. A RISE Mzansi provincial government will connect diverse communities through ethical, inclusive, and non-racial leadership.
As your candidates in Gauteng, we pledge to:
• Lead by example - with a team that has the highest ethical standards, and credibility and standing in our respective communities;
• Earn your trust - by taking accountability seriously, and reporting back frequently and comprehensively;
• Bring Gauteng together - by engaging all its residents, from civil society to the private sector, in the service of the public good and the renewal of the province.
Tell your friends, family and community about us! Become a RISE Mzansi supporter.
As your candidates in Gauteng, we pledge to:
• Lead by example - with a team that has the highest ethical standards, and credibility and standing in our respective communities;
• Earn your trust - by taking accountability seriously, and reporting back frequently and comprehensively;
• Bring Gauteng together - by engaging all its residents, from civil society to the private sector, in the service of the public good and the renewal of the province.
Tell your friends, family and community about us! Become a RISE Mzansi supporter.
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RISE Mzansi Commitment to Ethical, Inclusive, and Non-Racial Leadership in KwaZulu Natal
In KZN, as nationally, divisive politics and increasing inequality have kept us apart. A RISE Mzansi provincial government will connect diverse communities through ethical, inclusive, and non-racial leadership. We must build a province where there is peace and security. People in our province must live long, healthy, safe and dignified lives. The KZN government must be people-centred, service oriented and equitable in the distribution of resources and opportunities in government.
As your candidates in KZN, we pledge to:
• Lead by example - with a team that has the highest ethical standards, and credibility and standing in our respective communities;
• Earn your trust - by taking accountability seriously, and reporting back frequently and comprehensively;
• Bring KZN together - by engaging all its residents, from civil society to the private sector, in the service of the public good and the renewal of the province.
As your candidates in KZN, we pledge to:
• Lead by example - with a team that has the highest ethical standards, and credibility and standing in our respective communities;
• Earn your trust - by taking accountability seriously, and reporting back frequently and comprehensively;
• Bring KZN together - by engaging all its residents, from civil society to the private sector, in the service of the public good and the renewal of the province.
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RISE Mzansi Commitment to Ethical, Inclusive, and Non-Racial Leadership in Western Cape

Fellow residents of the Western Cape: you only need to spend time in Mitchell’s Plain, or Khayelitsha, or Thembalethu in George or Riemvasmaak in Caledon, to know that we are in crisis. Let us bridge the gap. Let us come together.
As your candidates in Western Cape, we pledge to:
• Lead by example - with a team that has the highest ethical standards, and credibility and standing in our respective communities;
• Earn your trust - by taking accountability seriously, and reporting back frequently and comprehensively;
• Bring the Western Cape together - by engaging all its residents, from civil society to the private sector, in the service of the public good and the renewal of the province.
Let us RISE together.
Axolile Notywala, Candidate for Premier in Western Cape.
As your candidates in Western Cape, we pledge to:
• Lead by example - with a team that has the highest ethical standards, and credibility and standing in our respective communities;
• Earn your trust - by taking accountability seriously, and reporting back frequently and comprehensively;
• Bring the Western Cape together - by engaging all its residents, from civil society to the private sector, in the service of the public good and the renewal of the province.
Let us RISE together.
Axolile Notywala, Candidate for Premier in Western Cape.
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We Need New Leaders To End Hunger And Malnutrition
RISE Mzansi recognises that ending hunger is one of the greatest and most urgent challenges faced by South Africa. But it also intersects with many other political, social, economic, cultural and environmental issues. It requires new leaders committed to working together for the best interests of all who live in South Africa and internationally. We are the only party that can offer that leadership!
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The RISE Mzansi Water And Sanitation Crisis Plan

South Africa’s water crisis is more severe than our electricity crisis. We can live without electricity, but we cannot live – let alone grow – without water.
Over the last 30 years the government has built a good legal and policy framework around the right to water. The problem, as usual, is that the ANC government has not implemented its policies. It has:
• Tolerated poor water leadership and a lack of oversight;
• Failed to improve water governance;
• Failed to ensure sufficient capacity at treatment facilities, and allowed existing facilities to fall into disrepair;
• Neglected key state functions such as the inspection, maintenance and development of water infrastructure;
• Failed to prosecute acts of corruption and misgovernance.
We are in a race against time. We must put into place a series of short term goals right now. If we do, we will reverse the water crisis within ten years.
Over the last 30 years the government has built a good legal and policy framework around the right to water. The problem, as usual, is that the ANC government has not implemented its policies. It has:
• Tolerated poor water leadership and a lack of oversight;
• Failed to improve water governance;
• Failed to ensure sufficient capacity at treatment facilities, and allowed existing facilities to fall into disrepair;
• Neglected key state functions such as the inspection, maintenance and development of water infrastructure;
• Failed to prosecute acts of corruption and misgovernance.
We are in a race against time. We must put into place a series of short term goals right now. If we do, we will reverse the water crisis within ten years.
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RISE Menstrual Equity Policy

Research conducted by Stellenbosch University Hospital reveals that 30 percent of young girls in South Africa face period poverty, lacking reliable access to essential menstrual products. This situation has profound consequences: approximately one in three South African girls aged nine to 18 are unable to attend school for several days each month during their menstruation, risking their educational opportunities crucial for gender equality.
Given the average menstruation duration of four to five days, this equates to an educational gap of roughly 60 days annually, exacerbating the disadvantage experienced by these girls in an already unequal society. This policy outlines RISE Mzansi’s commitment to ending period poverty and ensuring menstrual equity for all.
Given the average menstruation duration of four to five days, this equates to an educational gap of roughly 60 days annually, exacerbating the disadvantage experienced by these girls in an already unequal society. This policy outlines RISE Mzansi’s commitment to ending period poverty and ensuring menstrual equity for all.
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We Need New Leaders To Keep Us Safe

Every individual possesses the fundamental entitlement to freedom and security of the person. As outlined in Section 12(1) of the Bill of Rights, national security should embody the collective determination of South Africans, both as individuals and as a unified nation, to coexist as equals, to thrive in peace and concord, to be liberated from apprehension and deprivation, and to aspire toward an improved quality of life. This commitment is enshrined in Section 198(a) of the Constitution.
Every individual possesses the fundamental entitlement to freedom and security of the person. As outlined in Section 12(1) of the Bill of Rights, national security should embody the collective determination of South Africans, both as individuals and as a unified nation, to coexist as equals, to thrive in peace and concord, to be liberated from apprehension and deprivation, and to aspire toward an improved quality of life. This commitment is enshrined in Section 198(a) of the Constitution.
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We Need New Leaders To Care about Single Mothers

Women carry the duty, often alone, of sustaining South Africa’s families. RISE Mzansi has five flagship politics to give single mothers the help they need. The future of our children and our nation depend on it.
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A Call For New Leadership In Addressing Unemployment

South Africans over the age of 35, are people who are generally in the middle of building lives for themselves, who carry the burden of caring for their own children or the children of their relatives, and their elderly parents. Many of these people are single mothers.
Because of this exclusion, there are 2,9-million people aged between 36 and 44, who are of prime working age who are unable to access jobs and skills opportunities. They are forced into a life of poverty. At best they are able to get temporary jobs that pay little, or create informal work that does not enable them to put food on the table for their families or build a home of their own.
Because of this exclusion, there are 2,9-million people aged between 36 and 44, who are of prime working age who are unable to access jobs and skills opportunities. They are forced into a life of poverty. At best they are able to get temporary jobs that pay little, or create informal work that does not enable them to put food on the table for their families or build a home of their own.
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The South African Economy Is In A State Of Emergency
The South African economy is in a State of Emergency. We need nothing less than a national crisis plan to fix it. At 41.1%, our unemployment rate is the highest in the world, and rising.
We are also the world’s most unequal society, with indicators of poverty, such as hunger, on the increase. As a result, socio-economic problems such as crime, gender based violence and substance abuse are accelerating, as is the general mood of hopelessness and rage.
Meanwhile, the infrastructure we need to support and grow the economy is collapsing. Our ports and railways, our electricity grid, our water supply, our local governments all are in crisis. Neither can our criminal justice system provide the stability that is the precondition for job-creating business growth.
The black middle class has grown dramatically since 1994, but it remains too small, relative to the population, and fragile. Most black people, and especially women, remain excluded from our economy, as are too many of our youth. Too many are dependent solely on social grants for their livelihoods. This robs people not only of their economic agency but their political agency too: they become clients of the state. And, in the way it excludes the majority of South Africans from economic activity, it diminishes our tax base and puts a cap on growth.
Urgent action and reform are imperative for sustainable progress. Download the plan below and join RISE Mzansi in shaping a better tomorrow.
We are also the world’s most unequal society, with indicators of poverty, such as hunger, on the increase. As a result, socio-economic problems such as crime, gender based violence and substance abuse are accelerating, as is the general mood of hopelessness and rage.
Meanwhile, the infrastructure we need to support and grow the economy is collapsing. Our ports and railways, our electricity grid, our water supply, our local governments all are in crisis. Neither can our criminal justice system provide the stability that is the precondition for job-creating business growth.
The black middle class has grown dramatically since 1994, but it remains too small, relative to the population, and fragile. Most black people, and especially women, remain excluded from our economy, as are too many of our youth. Too many are dependent solely on social grants for their livelihoods. This robs people not only of their economic agency but their political agency too: they become clients of the state. And, in the way it excludes the majority of South Africans from economic activity, it diminishes our tax base and puts a cap on growth.
Urgent action and reform are imperative for sustainable progress. Download the plan below and join RISE Mzansi in shaping a better tomorrow.
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