Transport is key to moving the economy and building a prosperous South Africa

Remarks by
Makashule Gana MP
July 15, 2024

Note to Editors: The following remarks were delivered by RISE Mzansi National Assembly Caucus Whip, Makashule Gana MP, during the debate on Budget Vote 40 (Transport).

Ndza khensa Mutshami wa Xitulu

I Rise for South Africans to have Safe, Reliable and Affordable Public Transport.

I Rise for South African businesses to transport their goods safely on our roads, rail, air and sea.

Minister, South Africans are not asking for much, we are asking to be safe on our roads. This budget must therefore ensure that the cars we use, the buses and taxis we use are roadworthy.

This budget must ensure that all modes of transport that move people and goods are roadworthy. That cross-border cars and trucks are roadworthy, and drivers have the requisite licences and permits. We want to move from our homes to work or school or malls safely.

This budget must ensure that we have visible traffic policing across our country. Any traffic officer that asks for a bribe, must be arrested. We are losing too many people on our roads because some traffic officers are in it for the money. No ‘cold drink’ should be asked for.

What we are asking for is the enforcement of the law without fear or favour. Don't be shy to go after the e-hailing companies if they are transgressing our laws. Every driver, whether it is a minibus taxi, bus, private taxi, private car must be a target.

This budget must ensure that we have more licence card printing machines, the turnaround times must be similar if not better than the Home Affairs Passport printing.

This budget must ensure that passenger rail services are expanded.

Regulate the minibus taxi industry to make the industry safe and reliable for drivers, owners and passengers, alike.

Let's stop the taxi wars.

This budget must maintain the roads and ensure that there are no potholes. The roads belong to all South Africans.

The Department of Transport must take its place is a role player in moving the economy and keeping goods, services and commuters safe on the roads, in the air, at sea and in our skies.

Ndza khensa!