RISE Mzansi Youth Student Chapters calls out ANCYL for endorsing the misuse of state funds to support ANC election campaign

Remarks by
Lawrence Manaka
May 11, 2024

During a recent METRO FM Talk Roundtable Discussion with Faith Mangope, ANCYL NEC member Kgaolathle Kgabo unapologetically supported using taxpayers’ money to advance political agendas. This follows similar remarks by ANCYL President Collen Malatji, who endorsed the misuse of the Gauteng government’s Nasi Ispani program as an employment hub for ANC volunteers. This blatant abuse of state resources underscores the need for new leaders who prioritize integrity and accountability. The culture of corruption within the ANC must end to uphold South Africa's democracy.

Government resources should benefit all South Africans, regardless of political affiliation. The misuse of these resources contradicts democratic principles, deepens divisions, and perpetuates inequality. A fair and transparent distribution of resources is essential to support and develop all citizens. With the unemployment rate among young South Africans alarmingly high, RISE Mzansi envisions a future where integrity triumphs over greed and compassion reigns supreme. Download the complete media statement release above.