RISE Mzansi MPs’ Committee allocations

Remarks by
Gugu Ndima
July 9, 2024

Following discussions with various stakeholders, including consultations with what are termed ‘other political parties’ represented in Parliament, RISE Mzansi’s Members of Parliament (MPs) will serve on the following Committees:

Songezo Zibi – Party Leader:

  • Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA)
  • Trade, Industry and Competition

Makashule Gana – Party Whip:

  • Human Settlements
  • Transport
  • Police (Alternate Member)

Committees are the engine room of the National Assembly, where constant and sharp oversight is practiced over the Executive, and the work of the National Assembly begins.

Portfolio Committees have the authority to, inter alia, summon any person to appear before it to give evidence on oath or affirmation, or to produce documents; receive petitions from interested persons or institutions; and conduct public hearings.

RISE Mzansi wishes its New Leaders well as they conduct the work of the people of South Africa, anchored by the vision of building a safe, prosperous, equal and united South Africa.