RISE Mzansi is investing in hope, in fresh ideas and new leaders

Remarks by
Songezo Zibi
April 10, 2024

RISE Mzansi's National Leader, Songezo Zibi, addressed the Cape Town Press Club at the Kelvin Grove Club, highlighting the stark realities faced by communities across South Africa. From Alexandra to Cape Town, stories of despair and neglect are rampant: families living in cramped conditions with no income besides social grants, and children going hungry daily. RISE Mzansi aims to bring about a safe, prosperous, and united South Africa within a generation, advocating for smart policies and effective governance.

Zibi criticized traditional politics for its transactional nature, urging for compassionate leadership that listens to and understands people's experiences. RISE Mzansi offers a "Third Way," emphasizing social solidarity and evidence-based policies. They're committed to building a multiracial coalition that includes diverse voices from across South Africa.

For more details, download the complete media statement above.