RISE Mzansi congratulates Leader Zibi on his election as SCOPA Chairperson

Remarks by
Makashule Gana
July 10, 2024

RISE Mzansi takes this moment to congratulate National Leader and Member of Parliament (MP), Songezo Zibi, on his election as the Chairperson of Parliament’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA).

SCOPA is one of the most critical committees in Parliament in ensuring that the people’s money is accounted for, and that Executive and organs of State are held accountable. The Standing Committee can best be described as a super oversight committee.

SCOPA must protect the public by being a vigilant a watchdog that acts without fear, favour or prejudice.

In the People’s Manifesto, RISE Mzansi commits to ensuring public institutions have effective strategies to deliver on their mandates; have annual performance plans which reflect citizens’ service requirements; and that they use public money wisely, with zero tolerance for corruption, which will now be the order of the day.

SCOPA now has a New Leader who will work with and for the people of South Africa to ensure that money is spent and accounted for in the pursuit of building a safe, prosperous, equal and united South Africa.

RISE Mzansi wishes the new SCOPA Chairperson well in his work of elevating the status of Parliament as the executive oversight authority and working with communities to ensure that they know where and how their money is being spent.