Quality basic education is a right, not a privilege

Remarks by
Makashule Gana MP
July 15, 2024

Note to Editors: The following remarks were delivered by RISE Mzansi National Assembly Caucus Whip, Makashule Gana MP, during the debate on Budget Vote 16 (Basic Education).

Presiding Officer

Committee Chair

Minister and Deputy Minister

Quality Basic Education is a right and not a privilege for the few with money.

I Rise for our children to receive quality education in public schools. I say this as a father to two learners who attend public schools.

The doors of quality learning and teaching need to be opened to all. We currently have two education system, one for the rich who pay their way to quality education and another for the poor who have to contend with an inadequate schooling system.

Quality basic education is a right and not a privilege.

Our children deserve to learn in a safe school environment and our teachers deserve to teach in safe environments.

This budget needs to move closer to achieving universal quality education for all our children of our country.

No child must die in pursuit of quality education because local government schools are failing. Our children are being transported in unsafe transport just so they receive quality education.

No child must have to cross dangerous rivers or walk long distances in pursuit of education. The mushrooming of private schools, some of which are unregistered, is not a good development.

It is my wish that one day we will see many private school learners moving to public schools because they offer superior and affordable education.

Minister, as you know quality education starts with investment in the leadership of schools and teachers. Use this budget to develop school principals across all levels.

As a teacher, think about the learner in front of you whose mother wakes up at 4am leaves home 5am and gets back 9pm. In many instances, the mother is unemployed and did not finish Matric. At all times the child must preoccupy our thinking

One last thing, teacher unions should not be your enemy. Let's work with everyone so that our children can receive quality education. Politics must kept out of our schools.

For our children, I Rise.

Ndza khensa!