Let us ensure that that Mzansi Rises and the people enjoy quality healthcare

Remarks by
Makashule Gana
July 11, 2024

Note to Editors: The following remarks were delivered by RISE Mzansi National Assembly Caucus Whip, Makashule Gana MP, during the debate on Budget Vote 18 (Health).

Ndza khensa Mutshama Xitulu,

Vahlonipheki va huvo,

Holobye and xi andla xa Holobye

Fellow South Africans,

The People Shall Govern.

It is an honour and privilege for me to represent RISE Mzansi, a movement that was formed by the people for the benefit of the people, for this country belongs to the people of South Africa.

Today I stand here representing the hopes and aspirations of South Africans. I want to thank every South African who entrusted us with the responsibility of representing your hopes and aspirations, ndza khensa. It is a responsibility I do not take lightly; I will serve you with honesty and integrity.

It is befitting that the very first vote that is debated is that of the Department of Health. Everything starts with a healthy nation and if the Department of Health fails, people die. Section 27 of the Constitution says that “everyone has the right to access to healthcare services, including reproductive healthcare.”

Congratulations on your appointments as Minister of Health and Deputy Minister of Health, respectively. Both of you are not new to this Department, you are very familiar with the myriad of challenges of this Department. You are the longest serving duo of this Department, thus you must hit the ground running like a 100m sprinter.

There is no time to familiarize yourself with the Department, the people want quality healthcare services now. As RISE Mzansi we have committed to support good policies and vehemently oppose any policy that will reduce the quality of healthcare that the people of South Africa receive.

You both know that the problem with the Department of Health is not a budgeting problem but rather how the budget is utilised. As the people of South Africa, we expect to receive quality healthcare in every healthcare facility we visit.

When we learn that patients have to wait long in queues because there are an inadequate number of doctors whilst on the other hand, we have many unemployed doctors, you will agree with me that it is not a good picture.

It is not enough that we measure ourselves in our ability to disburse conditional grants to provinces. This Committee must practice proper oversight to ensure that every cent that goes to provinces is spent on providing quality healthcare for the people of South Africa.

There is one important matter that we should not take our eyes off, the management of the HIV/Aids. It is not encouraging when I read that the uptake of ARV treatment is not where it should be.

As RISE Mzansi we want to see this budget achieve the following:

  1. Unemployed doctors and nurses being appointed
  2. Critical posts in hospital and clinics filled
  3. Healthcare facilities being refurbished
  4. Ethical professionals being appointed to the department
  5. Key focus on providing mental health services in primary healthcare facilities and clinics
  6. Remove all corrupt elements from the system and ensure that every cent goes to providing quality healthcare to all of us
  7. Be accessible to all South Africans
  8. Be transparent and instil a culture of excellence

If you can do all these 8 things, you will have our support as RISE Mzansi. Let us ensure that that Mzansi Rises and the people enjoy quality Healthcare.

Ndza khensa.