Free State needs New Leaders who listen to and work for and with the people

Remarks by
Songezo Zibi
March 18, 2024

RISE Mzansi's National Leader, Songezo Zibi, addressed the community of Batho Location in Mangaung, Free State, following an inspection of the failed R260-million Silver and Dark City housing project. Joined by RISE Mzansi leaders Nomsa Marchesi and Makashule Gana, Zibi criticized the mismanagement of funds and lack of accountability, emphasizing the project's impact on residents' lives and safety.

Zibi highlighted the need for new, ethical leadership in the Free State, contrasting RISE Mzansi's commitment to community-driven solutions with the failures of the ANC leadership. He pledged RISE Mzansi's support in advocating for residents at the highest levels of government and promised transparency and accountability from elected representatives.

For more details, download the complete media statement release above