21 March 1960 was a turning point for this country - let 29 May 2024 be a turning point where we elect new leaders

Remarks by
Songezo Zibi
March 21, 2024

RISE Mzansi, led by National Leader Songezo Zibi, commemorated Human Rights Day at the Sharpeville Memorial, marking the Sharpeville Massacre and subsequent tragedies. The event underscored ongoing issues of brutality and neglect reminiscent of apartheid, evident in places like Langa and Sharpeville. Despite post-1994 developments, many communities, including Emfuleni, face a dire water crisis, exacerbated by a government accused of negligence and indifference.

The water crisis, akin to the electricity shortage, reflects systemic failures: 46% of water systems pose risks, and 67% of wastewater treatment plants are near collapse. RISE Mzansi urges citizens to elect leaders committed to rectifying these issues, promising reforms to water and sanitation management, and investment in infrastructure. On 29 May 2024, they call for a vote to ensure a future where human rights and dignity are upheld.

Download the complete media statement release above.