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RISE Mzansi Advocates for Safe Schools: Urgent Call for Action in the State of Nation Address


As learners return to class, RISE Mzansi calls on President Cyril Ramaphosa to prioritise, among other issues, School Safety during this year’s State of Nation Address (SONA).
Challenges in School Safety Implementation
In 2015, the National Schools Safety Framework was launched to guide the Department of Basic Education, schools, districts and provinces to ensure a common understanding of the extent of school violence and provide evidence on how to mitigate it.

The plan to work with SAPS and the Department of Social Development (DSD) to protect learners and combat social ills, has had little effect as South Africans see a rise in violence at schools and teenage pregnancies which saw an increase from 90 000 in 2022 to 150 000in 2023.

From January to September 2023, there were 27 murders, 59 attempted murders, 707 assaults and shockingly 229 rapes on at educational facilities, contributing to the rise in pregnancies and dropout rate for adolescent girls.
Empowering School Safety
RISE Mzansi calls on the government to prioritise and properly equip the School Governing Bodies (SGBs), Principals and School Safety Committees (SSCs) to have the training and tools to at least be able to follow the minimum standards set out in National School Safety Framework and ensure the following are evaluated and implemented effectively:

Policy Implementation

Minimum school-level policies and procedures are implemented and enforced, and learners, educators and non-educator staff are all aware of the contents of these policies.

Annual Safety Audits

Safety audits are undertaken annually to stay abreast of the issues affecting safety and contributing to violence within the school.

Adaptive Safety Plans

Safety plans are formulated, adopted, submitted and revised annually to respond to the safety threats within the school.

Community Engagement

There is constant engagement with community structures and actors that have specific roles to play in addressing violence occurring in the school.

Functional Safety Committees

School safety committees are established and functional.

Functional Referral Systems

Referral systems are established and functional.

Robust Reporting Systems

Reporting and response systems are developed, utilised, and reviewed continuously to improve reporting mechanisms.

Monthly Recording Systems

Monthly recording and reporting systems have been established and utilised.
A Call for Action and Change
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The most important responsibility of any government is to keep people safe, and our children most of all and RISE Mzansi does not see crime prevention in isolation.

On 20 January 2024, RISE Mzansi will unveil the People’s Manifesto, which will speak to, We will ensuring that schools are safe spaces for children and learning. It is time to prioritise the safety of our children to change South Africa in one generation – theirs.

Please sign the petition below so we can hold the executive to account for these failures to stop violence in schools.
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